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Now Live: Pre-Market Futures to Provide Trading Opportunities for Upcoming Token Offerings

We're thrilled to announce the launch of Pre-Market Futures, allowing customers to trade futures contracts with up to 2x leverage for upcoming tokens before a Token Generation Event (TGE), token public sale or Initial Coin/Exchange Offering (ICO/IEO).

Our Pre-Market Futures adopts several mechanisms found in our expiry futures product, providing customers with a more sophisticated and user-friendly experience compared to other pre-market offerings which are typically based on peer-to-peer (P2P) trading models. This empowers customers to trade without holding the underlying asset.

The new product also comes with an intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate and explore pre-market trading for all eligible customers.* The first addition to Pre-Market Futures will be Telegram mini-app game Hamster Kombat's HMSTR token.

Other benefits for customers include:

  • Early market entry: Engage in price discovery of new tokens and capitalize on early-stage market buzz and potential price movements;

  • Enhanced liquidity: The product aims to ensure superior liquidity compared to existing P2P-based pre-market products;

  • Leverage: Maximize market opportunities with 2x leverage; and

  • Lower fees: Enjoy lower fees compared to other major P2P-based pre-market products on the market.

*Not all products offered in all regions. Trading in pre-market futures is highly risky due to such factors as lower liquidity, higher price volatility, and there is increased liquidation risk. Not all tokens underlying pre-market futures will ultimately be listed on OKX. Users will not receive underlying tokens. OKX retains sole discretion to adjust any listing, extend or terminate the futures contract and/or settlement date for the futures contract, or suspend trading in pre-market futures. For more details, please refer to the OKX Terms of Service and Risk & Compliance Disclosure.

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