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Trade with DEXterity: Millions of tokens. Every major chain.

Onchain Weekly 10X 600x900

They say opportunity is unlimited.

But it's a half-truth.

For the opportunity you take is the one you first have to see.

Yes, opportunities may be unlimited, but it's discovery that's the (real) limitation.

The ability to discover millions of opportunities and move at the speed of now to seize them.

A speed liberated from blockchain borders to find opportunities wherever they may lie.

Opportunities on decentralized exchanges (DEX) are no different, yet many are the same.

It's often the token you want, on a blockchain you can't reach.

The meme trader's dilemma at some point in their DEX journey: many wallets to access a few tokens, only available on select blockchains.

Trading the market is challenging enough - you don't need an extra layer of wallet and blockchain logistics slowing you down.

To seize opportunities on DEX, you need speed across blockchains offering deep liquidity.

Liquidity with more than a million tokens deep across every major blockchain.

With prices quoted so fast, it happens in less than a *blink of an eye, (*it's actually twice as fast, at 40ms).

A DEX that's so blazing-fast, deep and wide, it spans across all major blockchains. It's a new frontier of opportunities, straddling as close to the bleeding-edge of unlimited as modern-day technology allows.

Welcome to a new alternative to DEX trading.

An alternative challenging traditional blockchain borders by rewriting the rails to cross them all.

And with new capabilities comes a new name: "DEX" (formerly "Wallet" on desktop and still "Wallet" in the app). For desktop, you'll still find it at the same URL:

Trade with DEXterity, where you can discover and explore powerful new capabilities, such as:

  1. Millions of tokens across 100+ chains, offering the latest trends and hottest memecoins.

  2. Swift swaps, (done in milliseconds), for fast, efficient trades; essential for memecoin trading and high-speed markets.

  3. Know it all, with real-time data on millions of tokens, including transaction history, and market trends to help you make informed decisions.

  4. See everything, with in-built due diligence providing x-ray intel on the top holders, snipers, insider wallets and smart money flows to help you make informed decisions at a glance.

  5. Comprehensive price discovery aggregated from over 500 DEX marketplaces for optimal price quotes.

OKX's new DEX capabilities means:

  • Self-custody, because your assets are in your control.

  • The freedom to choose your own trading routes.

  • Easy, one click trades designed for executing fast and simple.

  • In-built maximum extractable value (MEV) protection (to ensure you're getting the best price), at no extra cost.


Try the enhanced DEX today, and discover millions of token opportunities across every major chain.

You'll find the new DEX for desktop available at:

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