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OKX Announced as Sapphire Sponsor for Blockchain Life 2023 in Dubai

  • OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau will speak on a panel titled 'Crypto Market Outlook: Insights and Forecasts from Top Crypto Exchanges' at Blockchain Life 2023 on October 24

Dubai, the UAE, October 10, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced that it is a Sapphire Sponsor of Blockchain Life 2023, a crypto- and Web3-focused forum, held in Dubai's Festival Arena from October 24-25.

On the first day of the forum, OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau will speak at a panel discussion entitled 'Crypto Market Outlook: Insights and Forecasts from Top Crypto Exchanges,' alongside Bybit VP Head of Institutions Eugene Cheung, Huobi Global Head of VIP Client Services Charmaine Lim, Bitget UK Country Lead Jamie Elkaleh and Binance General Manager (MENA) Alexander Chehade. The panel, which takes place from 11:45 to 12:25 (UTC+4) at the main stage, will be moderated by Blockchain Life Forum MC Lilly Douse.

Event attendees and potential partners who visit OKX's booth (S11) will have the chance to meet and interact with representatives from OKX's global business development, marketing and event teams. Attendees who participate in OKX's photo contest at its booth and mint an NFT via OKX Wallet will also receive OKX-branded swag items, such as tote bags and t-shirts.

OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau said: "Blockchain Life 2023 provides us with a valuable platform to connect with key players and stakeholders in the Web3 industry, from innovative startups to influential thought leaders. Our sponsorship of the event highlights our commitment to the growth of the Web3 and digital ecosystem in Dubai and the wider Gulf region, as well as our dedication to fostering collaboration and connection within the community."

OKX also recently served as the Title Sponsor and Premium Partner of Blockchain Economy Dubai Summit, which took place on October 4-5 at Le Meridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Center. On the first day of the conference, OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai presented a keynote on 'Navigating the Bear Market.' Lennix also joined a panel discussion on 'Web3 and the Metaverse - Building Decentralized Digital Realities' on October 5, alongside Accenture Web3 Lead Brett Hornung and Areon Network Chief Marketing Officer Deniz Perçin.

Blockchain Life 2023 is expected to bring together 7,000 attendees, many of whom are representatives from crypto funds, government officials, miners, developers and startups, to discuss ways to shape the future of cryptocurrencies and Web3. To learn more about the event, click here.

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